The Tiny Town BMX

Never Ending Story

This paragraph is by The Webmaster
     I seen a huge set of stair, so I decided to gap it. I started to pedal as fast as I could and
This paragraph is by Ricky
     oh my god I yelled as I pedaled faster and faster "THEY GOT ICE ON THEM"!!
This paragraph is by ELY M.
     my pegs cut thru ice and you will see alot of sparks from my KINK pegs.
This paragraph is by Ricky
     I will fly so high you will have to say to yourself is that a plaine, bird, or superman? No it is the BMXman on his powerglader!! (a near by fan says to the BMXer no I will think to myself "why does your bike have four wheels? are them they can't be are they Training wheels??") Before the dude could blink BMXman bunny hopped on his head!! Take that FREAK!!! And I rode off to see the farmers wife!! (gotta love me)
This paragraph is by chad
     and she was a big wife too. after i rode the track and tore it up. and the new peoples lips dropped to the ground as i flew over them. they lite up in amazment at the skill of a gardener
This paragraph is by tbu owner
     i saw a ramp and i hit it without seeing the other side as i soared through the air i realized it was a quarter pipe without a rail and a big deck and i as i fell without hitting a landing ramp i jumped off my bike and hit ground and rolled i left that skatepark and never came back because i was on a trip anyway and i will never see that piece of shit skatepark again but i do have the dent in my rim to remind me of it
This paragraph is by HCRider
     to go along with my broken head-tube because of that damn park bench gap to face plant to ten foot drop on the concrete. Ouch. I regathered myself put on a tournaquette, used some good ol' duct tape to put my bike together. then rode off into the sunset to buy a slurpee.
This paragraph is by Marshall
     Then I revisted the sk8park and decided to easily throw a truck-driver over the spine and try some backflips over the box. I ate shit my first time but started pulling them. I then left to ride some street. I wanted to try this 50 ft. rail that was very steep. I setup for it and hauled ass, I got up on the rail but my back peg missed by an inch and I heard a "tink!" and I began to fall with my legs spread and then.......
This paragraph is by Chad C.
     i just missed hitting my family jewels and getting rapped around the bar, i rolled down the stairs with my bike tumbling behind me. at the bottom i got up and checked my bike, i had broken my brake line and bent my handle bars and seat post, i had to ride home fast and replace my stuff so i could ride again the next day. After i had done a few repairs i rode to the park the next day day and busted out some big wall rides and got some nice grinds in. it would be a while before i tried the that 50 ft. rail again.....
This paragraph is by Nad
     the doctor says i hit my head a little too hard, and that i should spend the day inside playing with a finger skateboard. the hell with that, i'm goin to the city! NYC STREET SESSION!
This paragraph is by george
     so i hi-jacked a plane, and flew to n.y.c. and went street rideing.
This paragraph is by Brandon
     When I got to NYC I got jumped by some gangsters and they stole my bike and all of my money.
This paragraph is by tony D
     so then i followed them all night until they went into their homes. i slept outside the leaders house and when morning came and he left to deal his 50/50 mix of flour and coccaine I went in and nabbed his child. Then I went to 53rd Street to sell the baby to the gypsies. I got 9 "c notes" for it and went to my nearest phone book and called trend. I ordered a T1 barcode and decked it out. I rode around a little more until i hit the subway. "ecd" i wrote all over the walls when i heard footsteps behind me. i turned around and saw pimp mutha f*cka. "what up pimp," i said. "have you been sleepn' wit my hoes," he replied. "no man it was him." i pointed to the cop 20ft away...........
This paragraph is by TORHAN
     the cop yelled, "HEY!, where the hell do u think you're goin without gettin me my hoes?" The Pimp looked at him and said, "I have your skanky whore right here!" he puched me forward and i rolled right at the cop who was obvioulsy drunk off his *ss. The cop stumbled toward me and I busted out a bunnyhop tailwhip and knocked him on his hiney. I started truckin right toward the light just the this bum jumped out at me and said....
This paragraph is by ELY M.
     there is a lot next to my house. I can see it from my window. I grabbed my bike. The sun is hot. It makes my skin brown :o) I working on barspins. I did pull three barspins in a row ( keep pulling a barspin without putting my feet down or felling ) and I try to do some werid tricks. I see my black sport bra soaked with my sweat. I drank about two bottle of water. later I went in to town for street riding at Xroads, there are cool ledges to try grinding. I finally did some rotating from bunnyhops. It was fun day and night :o) next day, I try to plan to go to a skatepark. ramps are very fun thing to do.
This paragraph is by Peach
     I went back the next day, but it was wierd cause I saw Peach, and Britney Spears, I waved and tried jumping a car, well you can guess that didn't work, and I had to go to the ER.
This paragraph is by Chad
     The doctor asked how i had hurt myself and I had to come up with a big story to keep him quiet. I left the next day and rode to the the trails by my house. I sat there with my broken arm and watched all the people pulling the big tricks. I waited a month before i started riding again. By then i wasnt as good. But i rode every day and got good again.
This paragraph is by Anti-BXMER
     then the bmxer DIES!! the END
This paragraph is by The WebMaster
     I seen the dead BMXer and knew I had to do something, so I quickly put him and his bike and the most amazing thing happened (I guess god loves BMXer's!) he is re-born so he can ride again!!!!!
This paragraph is by tony D
     but I did not want to ride again...I was soo soar from all the crashes the I quit to join a ska band. but they had no vocals so I just tried to be playa. I am quite good at pimpn' now and i realized that chics dig scars (which i have many) so i am very content now. but the next day i heard a voice from the heavens that said "jump it and he will come," so to this day i ride every day jumping everything in sight so he will come.
This paragraph is by The WebMaster
     I rode and jumped everything day after day and finally it happened, he came!!!! It was....
This paragraph is by Sean
     my best Bob the friendly muskrat on his new mirra pro
This paragraph is by Chad
     With is new bike he showed all his pro skills. Everyone came to watch and cheered for him when he did the first double backflip ever landed in dirt section. He would go down in history......
This paragraph is by tony D (geeK)
     for the day but jay miron, rueban alcantara, and nasty pulled the double loop too so i guess no local boy can never be king for a day.....i was bored so i sold my old base ball card collection for a one way ticket to the PUSH trails...even though they were knocked down it is rumured that there is a PUSH II and they are......
This paragraph is by The WebMaster
     On the way I noticed Ft. Wayne was close by, so I stopped and rode the Ravine for a while, I tell you Jody Donnelly and he was RAD!!! Well done there off to find PUSH II
This paragraph is by Anonymous
     On the way my truck blew up and we are stradded, so we ride at the...
This paragraph is by Erin
     cool town it happened to blow up by. soon i find alot of bmxers there willing to take me to push. when we get there i start peddling as fast as i can and sail off the lip of the first jump and do a perfect tailwhip only to find...
This paragraph is by chad
     some kid left a shovel on the ground behind the landing. I didnt have time to avoid it or stop so i......
This paragraph is by casey
     ...landed on the shovel and it flung up and hit me in my dome but i managed to make it through the rest of the pack and off the last set i pulled a huge...
This paragraph is by dizzy
     360 double truck like i saw jay miron do,got back to the crib to call my buddie JOE but he was being a bitch and couldn't come down to ride. as a result of this blasphamy i decided to slide the longest rail in town. needless to say,i bailed to my doom. i now have a snapped vertabrae from the fall...
This paragraph is by this was by Anthony Taylor
     .....Though the doctors say I'll never ride again ...I'll give it a week. at tops. So I'm back on my bike the first thing I do is go back to that rail. I Take a good pratice run then go for it. GGGGGRRRRRIINNND.....and a perfect landing. SWEET!!!
This paragraph is by Lafwyre
     Afterwards my freinds and i had this crazy idea about a journey ride. so we grabbed our gear and off we went down to mission beach in san diego!! Bellmont park all the way!! coming down the boardwalk there were a couple of stairs and a low slopping but really long double wide hand rail! about ten feet away from that was a bunch of hotties in string bikinis just waving and chanting, so being the stud that i am i hop up to a 180 reverse GGGRRRRRRIIIINNNDDDDD!!! then pulling that baby around i caught the front peg on the rail, and WHAM!!!! flat on my back with the bike racking myself!!!
This paragraph is by dizzy
     after about a 1/2 hour i regained my senses and decided to get out of cali cuz the west coast sux!!!!i jumped on a plane with my gear and my ride headed for the lovely east coast.once at 7-11 trails everything got loose and hectic.....people just goin' off bustin' trucks and turn-down to no-footed x's.went back to the locals' house to get hosed and watch "albert st."(FBM's new vid).
This paragraph is by dizzy
     after watchin that sick ass vid we decided to go session some street.We all pedaled down town and tore some shit up, while gettin harrassed by some rent-a-cops.Some kid(i have no idea who he was) tossed a reverse grind down a steep 2 flight kinker rail.Talk about SICK!!!!!!!After he hopped off it though a boy in blue tackled this scrawny lil bad ass and took him in for "disorderly conduct" and destroying private property...............
This paragraph is by Webmaster
     So we all go back home, after a few more minutes of riding) and try to get our friend out, come to find out he...
This paragraph is by ANTI-Bmxer
     .... hooked up with some guy named big owl, So we left his ass in there and he was never seen again! Some say still to day if you goto jail cell number 34 you can hear the moaning of big owl and our once so called friend!

This story has now came to a end.....
This paragraph is by Webmaster
     Since this story is getting long, I am going to end it.