Backside - 7 Minutes

I saw something the other night that I could not believe
I watched as five guys beat on one kids head in front of me they
Kicked his body and punched his face as he started to scream
They only looked around to make sure everyone could see

I went to the shows, but I won't anymore
They're no fun when you're afraid to leave the door
Just waiting for, another bloody war
To erupt as bodies start to hit the floor
And it's all become a fucking bore

I watched as the kid dragged himself through the crowd as the stage
Man turned on the lights and the band stopped playing
Seven minutes into the set that was meant to be forty
Seven minutes five dollars spent to watch this poor kid bleed

I went to the shows, but I won't anymore
They're no fun when you're afraid to leave the door
Just waiting for, another bloody war
To erupt as bodies start to hit the floor
And I cant take it anymore

Gorilla Biscuits - New Direction

What do you mean it's time, time for me to grow up?
I don't want any part.
It's right to follow my heart.
The new kids ran, ran out the back door fast,
and the bands that came before they had their noses in the air.
Pretending that they care about out scene just because our money's green.
I'll tell you stage dives make me feel more
alive than coded messages in slow down songs.

Now you're so ashamed,
now I'm so ashamed of you.
We believed the same things.
You stand to the side.
Rebirth of hardcore pride.
It all came true,
too bad you can't see all the good things that I see.

Back in, back in the days when I'd wait to see the old bands play
It didn't seem like wasted days.
I was so sincere, but now I see more clearly.
Music's only work to them. It's not to me.
Say I say, hats off to bands that change.
Good luck, go your own way.
Why play for us, if your hearts not in it?
Cause what might seem dumb to you is pounding in my heart.

Now you're so ashamed,
now you're so ashamed of you.
We believed the same things.
You stand to the side.
Rebirth of hardcore pride.
It all came true.
Too bad you can't see it.
No, you just can't fucking see it.

Now you just turn your back.
You said I don't want it anymore.
Old friends you attack.
Our pain out of touch.
You don't get it do you?
New stage,new ideas.
You don't have to make excuses for us.
Sitting here looking back, I'm scared.
Don't spoil memories of the way things were.

Link 80 - Verbal Kint

At first look you would say that this man is just a gimp,
he talks alot, he lies alot,
he walks with a bad limp.
But no one really knows him, no one take the hint,
a mastermind in a fool's disguise,
his name is Verbal Kint...

You could call him the devil,
the reason being this,
the best trick the devil pulled;
convinced the world he didn't exist.
A devil in disguise,
a wolf dressed as a lamb,
just when you think he's going to fold,
he's got four aces in his hand...

He runs the underworld and no one sees his face,
he's killed 1000 men,
he's got a million different names.
He's the baddest motherfucker that I have ever known,
he work's hard for what he's got,
he's got a heart that's made of stone...

You could call him the devil,
the reason being this,
the best trick the devil pulled;
convinced the world he didn't exist.
A devil in disguise,
a wolf dressed as a lamb,
just when you think he's going to fold,
he's got four aces in his hand...

(...Adam sings his heart out...)

He'll make you doubt yourself,
he'll play tricks with your brain,
Verbal steals and Verbal kills,
it doesn't matter, it's all the same.
He may seem a petty crook,
but he's no ordinary man,
his name is Verbal Kint,
he's got the whole world in his hands...

You could call him the devil,
the reason being this,
the best trick the devil pulled;
convinced the world he didn't exist.
A devil in disguise,
a wolf dressed as a lamb,
just when you think he's going to fold,
he's got four aces in his hand...

Mustard Plug - Beer (Song)

Don't let em take it all away
It's getting harder every day
Brothers, sisters hear me say
'Til my very dying day

I'm down on my luck
I'm out on the streets
I'm at wits end and I've nearly been beat
See they've taken my home
They've taken my wife
They've taken my job
And they've taken my life
But there's one thing that they will not take
That I will hold til the end
Until my dying day
'Cause it's part of me
And it's time that we say
They will not take it all away!

Don't let em take it all away
It's getting harder every day
Brothers, sisters hear me say

I'm pounding the pavement
Through think and thin
Good times and bad
You know I just can't win
I've been beat on, kicked on, insulted to my face
The whole bleedin' world thinks I'm a bleedin' disgrace
Yea they can own my body but they'll never own my mind
So they better face the facts, 'cause now is the time
'til we all join hands, and all us say
They will not take it all away

Since the day I was born
I was runnin' up hill
I work my fingers to the bone
Just to get my fill
And they still want more
It's getting harder every day
Untill there's nothing left
Until they take it all away

Don't let em take it all away
It's getting harder every day
Brothers, sisters hear me say
'Til my very dying day

NoFX - Liza and Louise

Liza's had enough of men
She says, she won't get burned again
She says, they don't know how to fuck
Her last boyfriend, the shmuck
Shared with her a nice disease
Kept her passive, on her knees
'Til one day she took his car
And drove it to the city

Liza had put down a few
When she met this girl named Lou
Who convinced her to go home with her
She said, "My name's Louise
Now will you take your clothes off please?
I want to take you to the moon and back
So get on your back."
With a flick of the tongue
She made her scream
She made her laugh
She made her dance
She was happy for the first time
And you know she wanted more

Now with her legs spread wider
She needed to have Louise inside her
She said, "I'll never forget the first time
You kissed me, now I want you to fist me."
Louise didn't need a second invitation
She knew just what to do
Yeah, she knew just what to do

Liza had cum a few times before
But she had never even seen the door
In to the world of pleasures of the flesh
She felt just like 16
And her life before now was a dream
Or even a nightmare thats over and done
Just like warm healing rays
Shining from the sun

She made her scream
She made her laugh
She made her dance
She was happy for the first time
And you know she wanted more

Pennywise - It's Up To Me

Held down by a heavy sky
Follow rules and I don't know why
Ignored the options that I could not see
Indecision had a hold of me
Followed the path that was forced by fate
I never saw the hour was getting late
I never cared what I turned out to be
I sensed something wrong now it's up to me

I got the chance now I'm gonna take it
I don't know I might not even make it
I'll follow rules that are made up by me
I wasted time to long now it's up to me
Now it's up to me
Now it's up to me - to be all I can be
Now it's up to me
It's up to me

Looked to the past for some history
Looked for the sum of humanity
A list of laws they passed down through time
A ruthless plot to control my mind
I gotta make a plan for myself
Can't look to you can't look to anybody else
Only this way am I truly free
I wasted time to long, now it's up to me

I got the chance now I'm gonna take it
I don't know I might not even make it
I'll follow rules that are made up by me
I wasted time to long now it's up to me
Now it's up to me
Now it's up to me - to be all I can be
Now it's up to me
It's up to me

All the rules that I see
Have taken hold in side of me
So much to loose so many kinds
One thing comes to mind - Time
I gotta make a plan for my life
I gotta take some time to get it right
I gotta be the person I gotta be
I gotta make a plan
Now it's up to me

Pennywise - Same Old Story

It's patience trying - When you tell me how to live
Well you don't know anything
Your expectations are wearing thin
You won't even take a look - To see another way
You aren't even listening
Take your ideals and go away

I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Don't know who you think I should be
I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Done with yours - I'm living my life for me

Tell me father - Did I turn out so bad?
Didn't I look up to you?
Took every piece of advice you had
Go to school - Get a job
Send me on your way
You aren't even listening
Take your dreams and go away!

I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Don't know who you think I should be
I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Done with yours - I'm living my life for me

For so long I try to understand
The qualities you thought made up a real man
Now it's time for me to find out for myself
I'm getting fed up I don't need your help
You never listen to both sides of the story
You never listen - You won't listen to me!!

I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Don't know who you think I should be
I'm not cut from the same mold
I don't read from the same old story
I'm not cut from the same mold
Done with yours - I'm living mine for me

The Vandals - Stop Smiling

Happy robots say "life is fine", they're the ones I loath
They're stupid or there lying - Or a little bit of both.
Ignore disasters and say that life is great
It never stops the smile on your shit consuming face.
The stupid fucking hippies, to stoned to see they are fucked
Going with the flow - In to the shitter they are sucked
And then they got these magic crystals don't do a goddamn thing
Just stinking of pachoulli while they choke on their ginseng

Beating on a drum you sing of quiet and peace
Burning marijuana and take the time to hug a tree
Say no possessions, but you get all that you can
You stink like shit and smile through it
Don't ever trust a happy man

Cheery retard masses, with their evil Osmond smile
Way to glad to be cuz "He" is on your side
And then they hand out propaganda for sheep to join the cult
Collecting guns, they rape your daughters, but it's nobody's falt

I don't want to go to heaven
It's filled with pricks like you
I won't go inside the gates
Leave me in the waiting room
I'm sure that God hates you too
He thinks your an obsessed fan, see how you are?
I'll never trust a happy man
Never trust a Happy Man